We are there for you throughout the region!
Welcome Centre
Göttingen Campus and
the Südniedersachsen Region
Phone: +49 551 39-21321
E-Mail: welcome@suedniedersachsenstiftung.de
Welcome Centre
Göttingen Campus and
the Südniedersachsen Region
Phone: +49 551 39-21321
E-Mail: welcome@suedniedersachsenstiftung.de
Advisor for international postdocs, faculty and visiting scholars
Phone: +49 551 39-21276
E-Mail: welcome@uni-goettingen.de
Accommodation services for international postdocs, faculty and visiting scholars
Phone: +49 551 39-21347
E-Mail: welcome@uni-goettingen.de
Beratung for international researchers
Clausthal University of Technology
Graupenstr. 11
Office 14
38678 Clauthal-Zellerfeld
Phone: +49 5323 72-5030
E-Mail: mirjam.daum@tu-clausthal.de
Advisor for international professionals and executives
District of Northeim
Medenheimer Straße 6/8
37154 Northeim
Phone: +49 5551 708733
E-Mail: becker-joerns@welcome-to-suedniedersachsen.de
Advisor for international professionals and executives
Philipp-Reis-Str. 2a
D-37075 Göttingen
Phone: +49 551 39-21736
Mobile: +49 151 26105247
E-Mail: heike.borrmann@suedniedersachsenstiftung.de
Advisor for international specialists and executives
Philipp-Reis-Str. 2a
37075 Göttingen
Mobile: +49 151 25362573
E-Mail: clement@welcome-to-suedniedersachsen.de
Advisor for international professionals and executives
City of Hann. Münden
Böttcherstr. 3
34346 Hann. Münden
Phone: +49 5541 75338
E-Mail: vogeley@welcome-to-suedniedersachsen.de
Advisor for international professionals and executives
City of Osterode
Eisensteinstraße 1
37520 Osterode am Harz
Phone: +49 5522 318-270
E-Mail: klostermann@welcome-to-suedniedersachsen.de
Advisor for international professionals and executives
City of Herzberg
Marktplatz 30
37412 Herzberg am Harz
Phone: +49 5521-852181
E-Mail: fromme@welcome-to-suedniedersachsen.de
Advisor for international professionals and executives
City of Bad Lauterberg
Ritscherstraße 6–8
37431 Bad Lauterberg im Harz
Phone: +49 5524 853139
E-Mail: rieche@welcome-to-suedniedersachsen.de
Advisor for international professionals and executives
City of Duderstadt
Worbiser Str. 9
37115 Duderstadt
Phone: +49 5527 841 164
E-Mail: stellhorn@welcome-to-suedniedersachsen.de